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Les foyers Saint-Jean-Baptiste et Saint-Joseph de Phnom Penh au Cambodge
10 janvier 2016

Liheng et la Croix Rouge / Liheng and the Red Cross

Liheng et la Croix Rouge / Liheng and the Red Cross
Liheng est volontaire pour le programme de la Croix-Rouge de l’école, axé surtout sur l’éducation à la sécurité routière. Liheng is taking part in the road safety program of the Red Cross, supported by the school.
8 janvier 2016

Visite à une famille pauvre / Visiting a poor family

Visite à une famille pauvre / Visiting a poor family
Nos jeunes ont rendu visite à la famille du petit Mon que nous connaissons depuis quelques mois déjà. Nous essayons de comprendre leur situation, réfléchissons a les mettre en liens avec les bonnes personnes pour les problèmes de santé, de scolarisation...
19 décembre 2015

Du riz et du rire (2) / Give some rice and give a smile (2)

Du riz et du rire (2) / Give some rice and give a smile (2)
Préparation des lots, des cannes a pèche, animation du jeu de la pêche à la ligne, nos jeunes ont bien tenu leur place au service du jeu des enfants. Superbe ambiance... Our students took actively part in this program, organizing a fishing game and making...
26 novembre 2015

Donating blood for the poor / Donner son sang pour les plus pauvres

Donating blood for the poor / Donner son sang pour les plus pauvres
Through the Comity of Charity of the parish, we’re in touch with a family of beggars who live under a bridge. Today, the father of the family is in hospital waiting to be operated. He needs blood. Two of our youths, Narong and E both over 17, and Frederic...
27 septembre 2015

Diocese feast for workers / La fête des ouvriers du Diocèse

Diocese feast for workers / La fête des ouvriers du Diocèse
Our students took an active part in a diocese program for workers, especially factory workers. It was organized by the Dioceses Committee for Workers. Our boys made a performance based on the workers’ difficult life, health problem, and road safety issues....
27 juin 2015

Helping on Sokna’s ordination / Au service de l’ordination de Sokna.

Helping on Sokna’s ordination / Au service de l’ordination de Sokna.
Our 30 students gave a very helpful hand during the great celebration organized for Brother Sokna’s ordination as a priest. The number of guests was 2500! They helped arranging the chairs, serving the meal and on different other tasks. At the end of that...
29 octobre 2014

20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia

20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia
On October 29th, a big celebration took place in Psar Touch to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia. The students of Saint John Baptist and Saint Joseph Center helped a lot… Thank you… Le 29 octobre...
29 octobre 2014

20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia

20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia
29 octobre 2014

20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia

20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia
On October 29th, a big celebration took place in Psar Touch to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Cambodia. The students of Saint John Baptist and Saint Joseph Center helped a lot… Thank you… Le 29 octobre...
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Les foyers Saint-Jean-Baptiste et Saint-Joseph de Phnom Penh au Cambodge
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